Our four focus areas serve as the foundation for the Use Case Breakouts each day during VERTEX | Energy. These small group discussions will bring problem owners and potential problem solvers together for a live, intimate discussion on how to solve complex energy and electrification challenges.

Platform Electrification

We'll be exploring technologies that can bring power to and support power for a variety of Army platforms, including ground vehicles and aviation challenges.

Soldier & Small Unit Power

Help uncover answers to solve energy challenges that Soldiers and small units face when they're on the move and away from established power sources.

Infrastructure & Integration

As the Army moves to Multi Domain Operations (MDO), we must ensure that we can properly manage and sustain power in the most seamless, efficient way.

Operational Touchpoints

Join us to examine how the Army can bridge existing power gaps and securely distribute power to meet a variety of current — and future — operational needs.