Better understand current challenges the Army is trying to solve and how your tech could help. Each afternoon VERTEX attendees will break into small groups moderated by US Army experts and "dive deep" in addressing the different use cases with real-life solutions.


Current technologies that support rapid, data-driven resilient logistics that leverage advances in machine learning and AI

Work spaces in large building
Decision-Making Tools

Commanders rely on field reports and at times disjointed and inaccurate data to determine logistics requirements when planning and executing operations. We are looking to improve operational efficiencies ...more

Soldier looking at monitor
Enterprise Reporting Integration and Resiliency

Soldiers on the battlefront rely on real-time data for inventory, delivery planning, status, and resupply. How can we upgrade the tools that collect, store, and analyze data to offer consolidated ...more

Demand Reduction

Technology such as hybrid engines, alternative fuels, etc., and new materials to reduce weight and delivery times

Soldier moving tires
Distribution of Ugly Freight

Delivery operations are constrained by infrastructure and traditional modes of transportation. How can the Army maximize the movement of heavy and oddly shaped material during ...more

Heavy machinery
Optimizing Supply Chain Performance

Taking inventory, distributing deliveries, and discarding packaging waste is a resource heavy process. How can we reduce the time it takes to inventory and distribute packaging, and make resupply less labor-intensive? ...more

Multi-Capable Distribution Platforms

Developing human machine integrated formations deployable to ground, air, and sea. Solutions may incorporate autonomous capabilities, extending the Commanders' operational reach and endurance while reducing risk to soldiers

Soldiers near bulldozer
Protection of Engineering Capabilities

Surveying, repairing infrastructure, and building forward bases and supply nodes, are time and resource heavy functions that leave personnel and equipment vulnerable to ...more

Soldier moving pallet
Safer, Larger, Faster Resupply

How can we extend the reach and increase the volume of supplies to remote locations while reducing risk to personnel? The Army is seeking solutions to enhance simultaneous distributions of supplies ...more

Vehicles in a line
Increasing Survivability of Transport Assets

Transportation vehicles are susceptible to enemy attack. The Army needs to maintain uninterrupted delivery and resupply of critical materials during large scale combat operations by enhancing the survivability of ...more

Soldiers with machinery
Difficult Island Landings

Sustainment formations require the ability to operate on beaches on varying terrain and sea conditions. Additionally, air land and sea transport must be functional even in the absence of ...more

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