Better understand current challenges the Army is trying to solve and how your tech could help. Each afternoon VERTEX attendees will break into small groups moderated by US Army experts and "dive deep" into use cases to explore real-life solutions.

Vehicles on the ground

What new approaches should the Army consider to provide additional data transport options, improve reliability, and enhance security of communications in a dispersed battlefield from the lowest echelons to large command posts?


Soldiers currently manage a variety of communication methods and manually fall back to alternate methods when communications are disrupted. How do we provide resilient self-optimizing communications across diverse data routing options?

Soldier looking at monitor
Soldier looking at a laptop

Planning, fires, logistics, and airspace coordination are examples of command and control tasks currently siloed across different systems. How can we use interactions among workflows, enabled by a common data layer, to maximize a commander’s ability to understand, visualize, describe, and direct operations?


Applications are only as good as a Soldier’s ability to use them. Current command and control applications require extensive training time, limiting a unit’s ability to gain proficiency. What should we consider when creating intuitive applications that offer built-in training, and work in both simulated and real environments?

Hands holding a controller
Soldier sitting down and typing on a laptop

Next-generation networks will have to handle unprecedented amounts of data from thousands of sensors, nodes, and apps in contested communications environments. How do we prioritize, filter, and fuse data to minimize the need to synchronize large amounts of information? How can we ensure that the right data gets to the users that need it?


Next-generation command and control will require constant innovation from industry. How can we create an app store-like environment that enables innovators to develop, test, and maintain applications for the tactical network? What resources and information allow industry to provide the best innovations for the Army?

Hand holding a phone with apps on the screen
Two soldiers looking at a laptop

How do we rapidly adapt software, algorithms, and models to stay ahead of adversaries on the battlefield? When Soldiers encounter new technical challenges, how do we apply the best talent–wherever it is located–to allow us to rapidly adapt in a dynamic environment?


Command and control networks present unique security concerns, particularly when operating in contested environments. The Army needs to ensure only authorized personnel are using equipment, and adversaries are not tampering with information. How do we apply robust security measures and mitigate enemy interference without impeding access for Soldiers?

Soldier holding an input device
Request an invitation by October 23 for your chance to connect directly with leaders across the US Army. Space is limited, request your invitation today!